Cycling quite fast down a narrow mountain road, I met a lorry coming up it. The result was eight...
LinkedIn posts etc reproduced locally
Anna Karenina and Client Encounters
Anna Karenina and Client Encounters All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy...
Best practices Exchange for Engineering Team Leaders
I recently setup a Best Practices Exchange (BPXchange) as an experiment in learning through...
Metacommunication: the importance of talking about talking
Just as metadata means data about data, metacommunication is communication about communication[1]. When I complain about the media’s tendency to awfulize and terribilize, I am metacommunicating. Instead of explaining what I mean with long sentences and examples, I use...
Leadership and Resisting Other People’s Problems (3 of 3)
In a couple of recent posts, I suggested a magic spell to help you avoid taking on other people's problems: "And what would you like to have happen?". Assume that you've mastered this formula and have used it on a colleague who is now standing (spellbound) in front of...
Leadership and Resisting Other People’s Problems II
As explained in a previous post, “And what would you like to have happen?” is a magic spell, taken from Clean Language and the Five-Minute Coach, that helps you inspire others to find their own solutions. When you cast the spell on someone, their desired outcome...
Leadership and Resisting Other People’s Problems
« Harry, do you know how this spreadsheet’s meant to work? ». It seems like a harmless question, but it’s really the beginning of a dangerous spell. Innocent in the ways of the Dark World, Harry responds, « Sure, what’s up? », then proceeds to spend the rest of the...
Leading Your Technical Sales Support Leaders
If you are running some kind of technical sales support team – a field applications organisation, a sales engineering group or maybe an R&D team that does direct customer support – then one of your major concerns is probably to ensure that your engineers are able...
Technical Sales Support Outside the Comfort Zone
I recently had a conversation with a Customer–Facing Engineer about what to do when a customer expects answers about topics outside of one's area of expertise (I use the generic term, "Customer-Facing Engineer" – CFE – because this case is relevant to any engineer,...